Elsie Owusu
Also working within:
Environmentalism & Well-being
Based: London
Elsie is an urban designer and architect and RIBA council member. She was the co-lead architect for the UK Supreme Court and the master planning team for Green Park Station. Her current projects include: Guest Artists Studios (GAS), studios/residencies for the artist Yinka Shonibare CBE in Lagos; the new Kumasi City Hall and Royal Museum in Ghana and a new eco-home in Sussex. Elsie is a director of JustGhana Ltd, promoting sustainable investment and good governance in Ghana- specialising in architecture, arts and STEM education for Ghana’s disadvantaged children and young people, facing challenges of climate change. In 2003, she was honoured by the Queen for services to architecture as Founding Chair of the Society of Black Architects.
“This year our work in Ghana will focus on environmental education for children and young people from urban and rural communities affected by the effects of the climate change in Ghana.”